"I am one with the trees,
Listener to dreams
Follower of the wind
Love is our strength
Hate has no place in our hearts"

Now playing: "Only Time" by Enya

Once a beautiful world was created. It was made of lush, green forests, crystal clear oceans and deep blue skies. The creatures that inhabited it were widespread and varied, as varied as the landscape which they lived upon. This beautiful planet was called Earth.

Hundreds of four-legged beasts lived upon this vast land for thousands of years, and then a mysterious two-legged creature began to appear. He could walk on his hind legs, create fire, and use tools. But the four-legged animals paid him no mind; he was merely doing the best for himself to survive. For many seasons man and beast lived together in peace and tranquility. Dolphins played, wolves howled, and cats pounced, and the two-legged humans were reminded by the animals everyday of the wonders of nature.

As the years progressed humans began to outnumber the animals. They began to require more space, and took more resources than the earth could sustain. The animals began to migrate from their habitats; forests began to fall, rivers began to dry, and the delicate balance of nature was slowly becoming upset. As the landscape began to disappear, so did the animals. As the animals disappeared, the humans began to forget about the wonders of nature.

Over the course of time more animals were disappearing at an alarming rate. Those that were left took refuge in the deepest parts of their habitats, never knowing when they would be forced to relocate yet again as Mankind spread more rapidly. Human and beast became forever separated by the ever-inceasing need to survive. Today the humans outnumber animals by the tens of thousands, and more and more species are becoming extinct. Yet in spite of it all, the dolphins still play in the oceans, the wolves can be heard howling the woods, and the cats still pounce in the jungles. Every once in a while there will be a beast who becomes brave enough to let itself be seen by man, if only for an instant. It is within that instant that we are reminded that we still are all part of nature -- one species' actions affects the others around it. We can only pray that, in time, we will remember the wonders of nature once again, before they disappear forever.

I dream of an Earth which is pure and new
Where the skies are blue and the oceans clean
I dream of grass still wet with dew
And more flowers than any eye has seen.
I dream a world can still exist
Where lives content both man and beast
Where tranquility reigns in morning mist
And sleep brings only dreams of peace.

Continue your journey:

The Court of the Unicorn
The Dragon's Lair
The Griffin's Den
The Pegasus' Roost

The Hall of Fairies
The Realm of Magic

The Angel's Wing
The Goblin's Keep

The Enchanted Forest (adoptions)
The Journey Onward (links and webrings)

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