"T'was mystic times from whence they came.
Wizards with dragons who breathed flames.
Knights in shining armor, kings who were bold.
These are the stories, enchanted and old.
Now these times are all gone, or so it may seem,
But here you can dream an enchanted dream."

Now playing: "Book of Days" by Enya

In a time filled with unknown illnesses and strange creatures, there lived one race who, with a wave of a wand or a muttering of a word, could heal the sick, cure the ailing, and calm the chaotic. They played the part of physicians, teachers, and law-enforcers, but their power did not originate from books or medicine -- instead it came from the very earth itself. It was called magic.

They were known as magicians, sorcerers, wizards, mages, or illusionists. Their skills varied from the art of sleight-of-hand to the ability to control Nature herself. They were sought far and wide for their wisdom and knowledge. Indeed, many a seeker endured numerous perils to find these magic-makers, whether it be for a cure for an alien illness, or a charm to ward off evil, or a spell to find true love. They were highly respected, but more often than not they were also highly feared. It was a well-known understanding that if an individual proved unworthy of assistance, he may very well return in a vastly different form from when he left. Sometimes, he didn't return at all . . .

Alas, belief in magic is nearly non-existent now. What was once wonderous is now mundane; science now seeks to explain that which was once unexplainable, and technology allows us to conquer that which was once unconquerable. Consequently true magic, as well as those who practice it, has all but disappeared. We are left with but a mere scattering of a talented few who seek to amaze us through the art of trickery. Those who are knowledgable in the art of true magick and have the power to harness that energy are even fewer in number -- they live in secret, lest they are forced to endure the disbelief of a cynical society.

Yet even in this time of cynicism and disbelief, there still exists a need for that which cannot be readily explained, a need to let out that inner child hiding inside all of us so it can share in the wonder. There's magic all around us, if only we would take the time to look for it.

We live in times most cynical and focus our belief
On science and technology, but do we find relief?
Our ancient myths are losing ground against these modern foes
Whose weapons seem to me to be the cause of many woes
For me there needs to be a place where other values rule
And I can breathe an older air and not be thought a fool
I find my haven in the old tales of wyrd and wizardry
Where storytellers, by log fires, relive our history.

Continue your journey:

The Court of the Unicorn
The Dragon's Lair
The Griffin's Den
The Pegasus' Roost

The Hall of Fairies

The Angel's Wing
The Earth Realm
The Goblin's Keep

The Enchanted Forest (adoptions)
The Journey Onward (links and webrings)

Return to the Lair's entrance